Country Experience: Niger
Recently, we were requested to evaluate a uranium project in north-western Niger in central Africa.
Niger is a landlocked republic in central Africa, surrounded by about 10 other African nations, notably Algeria, Libya and Egypt to the north, Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon to the east, Mali and Burkina Faso to the west and Ghana, Togo and Benin to the south.
About the Azelik Uranium Project
The project is located in a very remote and arid area of the country, situated approximately 1,200 km by road to the NW of the capital Niamey. It was constructed in 2011-12 with a capacity to treat 600,000 t/year of ore from both underground and surface mines, with an average grade of 0.13% uranium. The mine is owned in a joint venture consisting of local nationals, the Niger Government and the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation.
The climate in the area is hot to very hot, vegetation is very sparse, and the local population mainly nomadic touaregs.
Getting to the mine involved a 19 hour one way trip of about 1,500 km by 4WD, complete with a military escort for security.
Above: military escort to the minesite; Right: remote village in arid desert fringe
Tahoua is about half way between Niamey and the minesite...about 600 km to go